
Know your property is protected with our guarantees

Happiness Guarantee

We believe we should earn your business! If for any reason you wish to discontinue your service with us, you can cancel your agreement at any time with no penalties. Our management agreement is month-to-month.

Results Guarantee

With our results guarantee you don’t pay us until we show results! We do all the work up front and you don’t pay us until you get a qualified tenant. That means we aggressively market and show your property, screen and qualify the tenant, handle all of the paperwork and perform a move-in inspection...all before we get paid anything.

30 Day Rental Guarantee

If we are unable to lease your rent-ready home at the rental price we recommend within 30 days or less we will give you ONE month of management free!

Management Fee Guarantee

We believe that if we can’t collect the rent - then we should NOT get paid. You only pay us a management fee if we successfully collect the rent due.

Tenant Placement Guarantee

If a tenant we qualify moves out without good cause, owner approval, breaks the lease or gets evicted within the initial agreed upon lease period, we will qualify a new tenant for no additional cost.

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